
AppSys Plugin


Factor groups

Creating factor groups

In your Rentman application, go to 'Configuration' -> 'Financial' -> 'Factor groups'. You can create as many factor groups as you want.

Factor groups

Assigning equipment to a factor group

Open your equipment details, and on the tab 'Data' scroll down to the box 'Financial'. Here you can select which factor group this equipment belongs to. An equipment item can only belong to one factor group, so plan accordingly.

Equipment factor group

Factor groups on the webshop

The factor is applied automatically on the webshop based on the number of rental days.

Example Let's say you have the following factor group: Factor group And the following equipment belonging to that factor group with a rental price of €75: Equipment factor group If a customer rents a product belonging to this factor group for 1 day, it will be factored as 1 day. Cart factor 1 day If the customer rents it for 3 days, it will be factored as 2.5 days. (2.5 x 75 = 187.5) Cart factor 3 days If the customer rents it for 5, 6 or 7 days, it will be factored as 4 days. (4 x 75 = 300)
Cart factor 5 days
5 days factored as 4
Cart factor 6 days
6 days factored as 4
Cart factor 7 days
7 days factored as 4